Monday, August 31, 2009

Etsy Treasury "Enchanting Autumn" curated by decoratethediva 083109

Decoratethediva featured my Pumpkin Lots of Round Cup Leaflets in her exciting "Enchanting Autumn" Etsy treasury on 08-31-09.

Featured designers:
Row 1: RedChair, bethanylorelle, Vieiragirl
Row 2: forEvaMore, pair, kanokwalee
Row 3: penguinpalace, poppyswickedgarden, ThePeachTree
Row 4: LuciaMorris, 3dots, desirapesta

1 comment:

Kanokwalee said...

This treasury made it to Etsy front page on 09-02-09.

Congratulation decoratethediva!

Thank you for taking me along.