Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Happy New Year 2009

So much has been going on in my little world. The hectic holidays season is gone and I'm still trying to get back to normal. Thank you to all my customers who helped made my holidays season a busy productive and happy one. All of you have helped me feel more confident and excited and wanting to keep creating fun interesting work. Thank you for giving me a great holidays.

My new shop at is officially up. I also have another store at I'm not very active in the new 2 stores but plan to be.

I've also discovered that joining flickr groups is a lot of fun. I've joined 67 groups so far. It's amazing how there's another sub culture that I'm slowly discovering and loving every minute of it. I made some new friends and looking forward to making more. There're so much creativity out there.

I've also discovered how to make treasury on etsy and became addicted for a few days. It's just so much fun. I've posted the ones I made and some of the ones featured my items on my flickr photostream. I've also upload a lot of photos of my projects on flickr as well. Please check them out when you have a chance. I'd love any comment you can give me.

I've joined a few of Etsy street teams, etsyFAST team, etsyhookers team, teametsytx and teametsyaustin. These are communities of great people that are very kind. I'd like to be active and contribute as much as I can. I don't know if that will be enough. Working my day job and come home to work on my projects have been keeping my schedule pretty full. But, I am going to do my best to be a good team member.

I am now in my designing mode. The gears in my brain are turning furiously.
Hopefully I'll be able to make some of my ideas tangible and post the item on my etsy store and flickr photostream.

Hope you all had a great holidays season and have a great 2009. I know I'm planning on having a great one.

Cheers to all,


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