Thursday, May 28, 2009

Cool tools for Etsy treasury hunters



Decoratethediva told me about Craftcult a few months back and I'm so grateful. It's fun to see the statistics in pictures :-) Google analytic is great but there's no picture there! :-D

Craftcult let you search if an etsy shop has been featured on Etsy front page within the last 24 hours. It also show you the number of times your shop and items has been visited and hearted. Very cool and helpful.

Winklepots posted (on Flickr Front Pager Pool forum) another very helpful and cool site, Craftopolis. It's a simpler site but straight forward. It has Treasury hunt section for searching if an Etsy shop is currently featured in any treasury. It also has a search for Gift Guide featured.

Between these two sites, Etsy treasury hunters should be pretty happy. I know I am. Thank you Winklepots and thanks again Decoratethediva for sharing the information .

Now if someone can figured out how to snag those treasury spots without sitting there staring at the monitor and counting seconds...

Happy hunting!

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